The Story of a Life Cut Short by Medical Errors
Presented by Barbara Levin, Mary Ann Shea, Patricia W. Iyer
1 hour, 21 minutes DVD
The Pat Iyer Group
Price: $97Individual License
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Charlotte was a woman who died as a result of medical errors.Her story has stunned audiences nationally and internationally. This program presents a multimedia overview of the events that led up to Charlotte’s death, and the changes that resulted from her life events. You’ll learn how her story made patient care safer for all. Presented by Mary Ann Shea, Barbara Levin, and Pat Iyer at an annual conference.
Barbara Levin, Pat Iyer and Mary Ann Shea, or combination of these speakers, have shared Charlotte’s story with nursing, medical, risk managers, and other audiences both nationally and internationally. Bring this compelling story to your healthcare facility or consumer group. Contact for details.
Staff development educators: Share this program with your staff. Contact us about licensing the program for institutional use.
International Council of Nurses in Yokohama, Japan (interpreted in 3 languages – French, Spanish and Japanese)Keynote: SGNA national conference- audience greater than 1700 people
National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses – national conference
Academy Medical Surgical Nurses – national conference
Society for Gastoenterology Nurses and Associates (SGNA) – national conference breakout session
SGNA – Georgia State Conference – keynote
New England Regional Conference – keynote
American Association of Legal Nurse Consulting – national conference keynote session
Massachusetts Nurses Association keynote
MD Advantage Insurance Company, Princeton, NJ
New Jersey chapter of the Association of healthcare Risk Managers
Advance Job Fairs
Massachusetts General Hospital- Nursing Grand Rounds – several times
Massachusetts General Hospital – Physician Rounds – several departments including – pulmonary; GI, critical care, internal medicine
Harvard Medical School – several times – medical students
Fletcher Allan Hospital – nursing grand rounds –
Many hospitals in New York and Vermont
Nursing Students – Simmons College, Northeastern University, Boston College and other colleges
Nebraska Hospital Association – keynote – for hospital administration
MASS Pro – Patient Safety and Prevention Services
American Society of Healthcare Risk Management – New Jersey chapter 2010
Jordan Hospital
Kentucky Chapter of AALNC-Sponsored cruise to the Caribbean 2008
St. Louis AALNC Chapter
Cedar Valley Medical Specialists – Iowa
Some Comemnts from Our Viewers
I just wanted to let you know that I showed Charlotte’s story this morning in my surgical technology course to 8 students that will go to the OR for clinicals this January. There were tears and gasps and I think the story really affected them. Please thank Charlotte’s family for sharing their story and let them know that my surgical technology graduates will be thinking of her with each new patient they help operate on. I will continue to use the video in the upcoming years. It is so powerful. I don’t think there is a better way to teach the Association of Surgical Technologist’s motto “AEGER PRIMO” or “The Patient First.”
Trudy Riehl, CST, Program Director-Surgical Technology, Bismark State College, Bismarck, ND A real eye opener how important it is for nurses to be conscientious and be more assertive as patient advocates to all patients under their care.
Jennifer Caing Very interesting content!! Thank you for relating ‘the story!’ It helps us to understand the ‘why’ for some of the many expectations of our role.
Debra Peter
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