By Patricia W. Iyer MSN RN LNCC
Publisher: The Pat Iyer Group
Immediately boost your ability as a legal nurse consultant to gain clients and earn big fees by polishing your legal nurse consulting writing skills.
Stand out in a crowded field.
Here is what you will gain:
The Writing Handbook for Legal Nurse Consultants has a 600+ page workbook with detailed information to help you perfect your writing skills:
- Perfect your knowledge of grammar
- Master punctuation
- Differentiate between commonly confused words
- Improve your spelling
- Polish your correspondence
- Create a professionally formatted resume or CV
- Discover how simple changes dramatically improve your LNC documents
- Professionally prepare expert witness reports
- And much, much more
This is a complete self-study course with content you will keep at your side as you write reports.
Learn how well you’ve grasped the material by taking our tests, checking the answers
Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC has written or edited over 60 books and has written or proofread thousands of LNC reports.
Price: $397.00

Writing Handbook for Legal Nurse Consultants Chapters
1. Getting Started2. Perfecting Grammar Skills
3. Mastering Punctuation
4. Testing Yourself on Grammar and Punctuation
5. Differentiating Between easily Confused Words
6. Refining Spelling Skills
7. Testing Yourself on Easily Confused Words
8. Polishing Correspondence
9. Providing Your Credentials: Resumes and CVs
10. Preparing Expert Witness Reports
11. Presenting Chronologies, Timelines and Medical Summaries
12. Learning from Makeovers
13. Bonuses
14. Evaluation Form and Nursing Contact Hour Instructions
15. Resources
This product is approved for 30 contact hours. The provider is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number CEP-3285. CE credit is accepted in all states that require mandatory continuing education for relicense. Contact hours are optional at an additional cost of $15.
PatIyer MSN RN LNCC has proven she is the right one to help you write better. She was the chief editor of Principles and Practices of Legal Nurse Consulting, Second Edition. She is known as “the person who wrote the Bible of Legal Nurse Consulting”. Pat served on the Board of Directors for the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants for 5 years, including a term as president.
What People Are Saying:s The overall layout of the Writing Handbook for Legal Nurse Consultants made the study easy. The self-assessment tests were great. The book is set up to use as a reference guide. I really enjoyed the course and it has greatly increased my writing skills. Thanks again for putting this valuable resource together for all LNCs who want to purchase and better themselves. Stephanie Cochran
St. Charles, MO
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