Program Description
Most business people are not experienced speakers and need help developing powerful presentation strategies. While you have excellent LNC expertise, you may not know how to best communicate with your target audience.
Stephanie Scotti makes her living teaching presentation skills.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how to most effectively present your message. You are asked to make a presentation at a prospect or client’s office.
- Would you know where to begin?
- Would you know how to engage your audience, deliver your message, and connect with the decision makers?
- Would you like to master powerful presentation strategies that help you achieve relaxed self-confidence?
- Would you like to ace your presentation and gain credibility and clients?
- Adopt 4 techniques guaranteed to engage your audience
- Craft your message using a fool-proof blueprint for success
- Connect both emotionally and intellectually with every audience
- Gain audience participation
- You want more clients and more cases
- You have not tapped the potential of video marketing to share your expertise
- You either do not have a website or think your website could be getting you more business
- You want to meet more attorneys but are not sure where to go
- You’d like to know what words to use to get an attorney to agree to hire you
- Has 10 chapters bursting with tips to ramp up your marketing
- Takes you through a step by step process from forming a marketing plan to getting clients
- Shares the expertise of Pat Iyer, who built a 7 figure sales LNC business
Accelerate! Powerful Presentation Strategies to Achieve Results
In this 1-hour webinar you will learn how to:
Bonuses: Performance tools, job aids, tip sheets

Stephanie Scotti has 30 years as an executive speech coach. She has consulted with over 3,000 individuals in professional practices, Fortune 500 companies, international corporate executives (including non-native speakers from Russia, China, Turkey, Brazil, Poland, Italy, and India) and the highest level of government official (including the President’s Cabinet). A communications catalyst, author and speaker, Stephanie is an active member of National Speakers Association and an award-winning leadership professional. She holds a Bachelor’s in Speech Communications & Education and a Master’s in Organizational Communications & Business and taught for eight years at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
Learn powerful presentation strategies from Stephanie Scotti.
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