Watch this all new webinar
Fraudulent Medical Records – Is This You?
You are a legal nurse consultant who is analyzing a chart. All of a sudden, you see a chart entry that does not make sense – or the absence of an entry that should have been there. You look away, bewildered. You begin to form a thought – “Someone tampered with these records.” Your medical knowledge may make you the only person on the legal team to recognize the tampering has occurred.
Today’s highly charged atmosphere with its focus on financial survival of healthcare organizations and medical malpractice increases the temptation to alter records when something goes wrong. There are many reasons why a person would tamper with records, including an intention to commit fraud, such as billing for services not performed, or fear or guilt when an untoward outcome occurs.
How often do you find yourself saying, “I wish I knew how to identify fraudulent records?” Tampering with medical records skyrockets the implications of a case. You’ll learn why this act so profoundly affects a medical malpractice case. This program contains what every legal nurse consultant should know about altered medical records. You will get the truth about how you can help an attorney with suspicions of altered medical records.
Description of Fraudulent Medical Records Webinar
In this 60 minute webinar, you will learn how to:
- Differentiate between substandard documentation and altered medical records
- Recognize the factors that lead to altered medical records
- Identify the implications of tampering with medical records
- Detect altered medical records
Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC is president of The Pat Iyer Group, LLC. She is the coauthor of two chapters on tampering with medical records. She has reviewed thousands of medical records over the previously 25 years she served as an expert witness and legal nurse consultant. She will provide you with proven tips, tools and tactics on how to identify tampered with medical records – from an expert in the field.
Patricia is the former president of Med League Support Services, Inc., an independent legal nurse consulting firm she established in 1989 and sold in 2015. Her company provided attorneys with case screening services. Pat is the author, editor or coauthor of over 800 books, chapters, case studies, online courses or articles, most of which present medical legal issues. Along with Barbara Levin, Kathleen Ashton and Victoria Powell, Pat coedited Nursing Malpractice, Fourth Edition, Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company. She also coedited Medical Legal Aspects of Medical Records, also published by Lawyers and Judges Publishing Company. She is a past president of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.
Bonus Report
You will receive this special report when you sign up for the program. You will use “54 Tips for Detecting Altered Medical Records” as an essential guide when you review medical records.
What’s Your Preferred Learning Format?
“Fraudulent Medical Records Webinar” is
available in multiple formats, just choose your favorite format or the combination that helps you learn and retain information most effectively.
- Watch the replay at your convenience.
- Add to your learning and information retention by ordering the transcript so you can refer back to Pat’s valuable information in writing.
- Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning from the comfort of your home, office or even on the go with our digital download format perfect for learning anywhere-anytime on your mobile devices.
- Enjoy the savings offered by our LNB Bundle Packs – (look for the LNB Shield) typically these offer all available formats as a bundle and represent the very best value.
Ordering Choices
Video Digital Download & Slides $25
Related Product
The following product should be purchased with Fraudulent Medical Records Webinar.
How to Analyze Medical Records: A Primer for LNCs
Use this 2016 new book to get tips and techniques for organizing paper and electronic medical records, the backbone of our business. You will gain an understanding of how to screen a medical malpractice case for merit and discover clues for detecting tampering with medical records. The book covers the pros and cons of electronic medical records, including how they introduce risk into the documentation of patient care. Two final chapters focus on how to polish your work product to create your strongest professional appearance. You will gain critical insights on how to strengthen your ability to analyze medical records – to gain more clients and earn more money.
View your cart to purchase this product!
Contact Hours
Fraudulent Medical Records Webinar has been approved for 1 contact hours through an arrangement with Taylor College. The provider is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number CEP-3285. CE credit is accepted in all states that require mandatory continuing education for relicensure. Call 1-800-743-4006 with CE questions. There will be a $15 fee, paid directly to the provider, if you want the CE certificate for 1.0 hours.
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