How can you build the foundation for a strong legal nurse consulting business that will carry you forward? Here are 3 tips that helped me grow a successful business.
1. Never stop marketing
It is tempting to connect with one or two key clients and get complacent. You are receiving a steady flow of cases. You don’t feel the need to seek new clients. One day the phone stops ringing. Here are some of the things that have happened to my clients. All true.
- One of my clients was shocked when he came in on Monday morning and found out his partners had moved files over the weekend and started a new firm – without him.
- When the law in the state changed, the low impact minor damage personal injury cases disappeared.
- A key partner dropped dead.
- An attorney got caught for not paying payroll taxes to employees in a side business he owned. He’s going to prison.
- A law office was flooded, destroying all of the paper files.
When my entrepreneur husband lost his only client, he produced no income for a year. His only source of income was selling his pickup truck.
Give yourself peace of mind by reaching out to new clients – all of the time.
2. Never stop learning
I continually invest in my own growth. Here are just some of the things you need to understand to run a successful business:
- How to present a polished appearance and connect with your clients
- How to write compelling marketing materials
- How to create videos about your services
- How to improve and add content to your website
- How to effectively use social media
Pick the method of learning that suits you best – listening to audiofiles, reading, watching videos or working with a coach. Continually learn and stretch yourself. Try new things.
3. Get people to help you who are good at what you are not
You may think I am contradicting myself. Why should you keep learning when you can hire help? There are some aspects of your business that you should delegate. I am hopeless when it comes to mathematical and finance nuances. I had a very good bookkeeper and a very good finance manager who watched the bank accounts.
I hired people to help with creating exhibits, transcribing audiofiles, and recording webinars. They supplemented my legal nurse consulting business support staff.
What makes sense for you to learn and what makes sense for you to delegate? Today you can work with a virtual assistant who is halfway around the world, and still keep focused on what you can do to generate income. One thing you should never delegate, though, is having someone else signing your company checks. You need direct and tight control over this function so a dishonest bookkeeper does not whisk money out of your bank account. I’ve heard the stories of this happening to small business owners.
Keep marketing, learning, and delegating to grow a strong legal nurse consulting business.
What are your tips? Share your thoughts by adding a comment below.
Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC was president of Med League Support Services, Inc. a company she started in 1989. She sold the company in 2015 and now coaches LNCs who want to make more money, get more clients and avoid expensive mistakes. Get details at this link.