Selection of Attorney Conference Exhibiting Space
Exhibiting at an attorney conferences can give a big boost to your business. Your spot on the exhibit floor can make a big difference in your traffic.
When you sign up for space, you’ll typically be given a map of the booth spaces, and you will be asked to select a space. You may be asked to pick three spaces in order of preference. People who have an established history of exhibiting at prior conferences may receive preferential treatment – given an opportunity to pick their space earlier in the process.
In other organizations, everyone who has exhibited with the group in the past is notified at the same time of the chance to request space. For example, our state trial lawyers group notified vendors two weeks in advance that on a specific date and time, there will be an email or fax that will go out asking vendors what space they wanted.
What to consider when picking your space
When you do have an option to specify your space, think about which are the high traffic spaces. Typically when people walk in a door they go to the right of any room. Think about how the traffic is going to flow around the room. A premium spot may mean that you’re near food or that you may be near the entrance to the room or you might have a corner space where you’ve got a little bit more exposure.
Avoid the dead-end areas of attorney conference exhibiting space – the edges of the room. Sometimes you don’t want to be near or right next to a competitor. Sometimes that may be an advantage if you’ve got a large competitor who’ll bring traffic down that aisle. Avoid areas that are blocked by columns or walls or loading docks; they will affect the traffic flow.
Think about the climate. There’s a building where I exhibited in the winter time. I made sure that I was not by the door that people are opening and closing when it was 25 degrees out.
One of the best locations for attorney conference exhibiting space is a booth is next to exhibitors who give fabulous gifts and draw a crowd. If you can position yourself in between a couple of them, then you’re going to have a lot of traffic.
The dynamics of picking space become easier if you do more exhibiting and you get to know a little bit more of how traffic moves around a room.
Get out of your comfort zone and try exhibiting. I built my business doing so.
Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC is president of The Pat Iyer Group and exhibited at attorney conferences for 22 years starting in 1993.
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