You want to feel comfortable about your ability to win over and retain clients.
Is this you?
- You’re a natural detective.
- You’re an ongoing learner, professional student.
- You’re compassionate, a listener; you’re talented.
- You’re a capable professional.
Bring all of that to your relationships with clients. That’s what allows you to deliver a unique level of service. No one will deliver your services like you.
Listen to your clients with both the logical and intuitive parts of the brain. The value of the logical part is clear. It will help you to rationally absorb the information. Intuition plays a part in your relationships.
You’ve likely experienced nursing intuition when you know a patient is having a change in condition. You can’t quite pinpoint the reason, but you know the patient needs attention.
When it comes to skills needed to win over and retain clients, though, your intuition is equally important. Intuition is the little voice that says, “This is potentially a great client. I know we’ll work really well together.”
Your intuition may guide you about the most effective approaches with the potential client. That voice may also tell you, “Maybe I shouldn’t pursue this attorney. I don’t know exactly why, but something inside me is saying, ‘No.’”
Have you ever not listened to your intuition voice and ended up with a client who resisted paying or argued over every detail in the bills? The little voice was right.
Building on Your Skills to Win Over and Retain Clients
You were probably drawn to the profession of nursing because you have a caring, compassionate nature. These qualities will also help you as a legal nurse consultant. The attorneys you’re dealing with may not be in hospital beds, but they also respond to the sense that someone cares about them. To succeed as a legal nurse consultant, you need to transfer your skills, talents, and passion for nursing to a bigger arena.
You want to make an impact on the world and your clients, using your talents and expertise to deliver your services at a higher level. LNC knowledge, skills, and expertise you’ve developed will help you work better with attorneys, clients, and colleagues to assist in their own success. That will enable you to achieve a higher degree of prosperity.
Many entrepreneurs get so focused on attracting new clients that they forget about the importance of retaining the ones they have.
Losing Clients Costs You
Acquiring a new client or a new customer can cost five times or more the cost of maintaining a current one. Those costs are your marketing costs if you’re doing social media, if you’re mailing anything if you’re out speaking or networking.
In addition, think about what your time is worth. Here’s a quick way of determining that. If you take how much you want to make in a year, and you divide that by the amount of time you want to work, that tells you how much your time is worth. So when you consider five times that number, that’s a lot of money in order to acquire a new client.
Also, technology is part of the cost. If you’re maintaining a website, mailing list, or any kind of technology in order to reach more customers, imagine multiplying that by five. In addition, you have a cost of marketing and doing business.
It’s much harder to obtain a new client than to maintain your current clients. It takes far more effort and expense to get a new client than to keep getting a flow of cases from the existing client. It’s easy to spend a lot of your marketing time on trying to bring in new customers instead of figuring out how you can provide more services to your existing customers. This is one lesson I have learned the expensive way.
Acquiring a new one is far more expensive than retaining the one that you’ve already spent the money to get. This is the importance of exquisite customer care. Here are some supportive statistics.
Eighty-four percent of customers who leave will do so because of poor service.
Your clients who aren’t happy with your service could complain to other clients or other potential clients for you. Attorneys talk to each other. They communicate on list servs. They offer recommendations to their colleagues. So you want to be very sensitive about how you care for your clients.
Ninety-one percent of unhappy customers will not willingly do business with you again.
I’m sure that when you’ve purchased something that broke or didn’t deliver the result you expected, you fell into the 84% or the 91% category. Imagine how your attorney clients will feel if they don’t get the kind of service that they expect.
In some situations, the attorney feels trapped. He has hired an expert witness, advised his adversary about the expert, and then become disenchanted with the expert. He knows a suit lasts 3-5 years. He can’t easily walk away. The attorney’s relationship with the expert sours. It is far easier to avoid problems with an attorney by providing exquisite client care.
Creating a deeper connection allows you to have a better relationship with your clients. They want to know that you care about them. By creating a deeper connection at the outset, you let them know, “You’re the person I really want to work with because I know what you need.” Exquisite client care is about creating a deeper connection and awareness at all stages of your relationship with a client.
Special deal: Buy one get one 50% off
How to be a Successful LNC shares the secrets Pat discovered from creating and building a highly successful LNC business. Shortcut your learning, avoid expensive mistakes and dive into the knowledge Pat shares about what it takes to be successful.
How to Create Lasting LNC-Client Relationships focuses on what really counts as an LNC- having strong relationships with your clients drives your success. Working with attorneys is challenging and rewarding. You can have an aggressive marketing program to bring in new clients, but if you cannot retain them, you’ll be endlessly spinning your wheels.
Grab these 2 books at a special price: Get one at $29.95 and receive the second one at 50% off (plus shipping and handling).