The typically business hours are Monday – Friday from 9 am – 5 pm (Cue the Dolly Parton song, 9-5!). Your company’s website is like an employee that is working non-stop, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. That is all the time! No need to worry about holidays, weekends, sick days, time zones, countries, traffic jams… You can always be open on the web! You are in business all across the World 24/7, 365 Days a Year – Nice! Attorneys may find your website at any time of the night or day – one important reason why legal nurse consultants must have a website.
2. Reach New Markets with a Global Audience
The world is getting smaller. Anyone halfway across the world can access your website. Time zones don’t matter. No one knows how big or small you are based on your website – you are now able to compete with larger LNC businesses.
3. You Can Change Your Sales Materials In An Instant
When you create a new brochure, you generally will print (at a minimum) 100 copies. Typically, you might even create 1,000 of these documents. Making a change to these materials may result in recycling the paper and starting over! A website is easier, cheaper and quicker to update than print material. Its capacities are almost limitless which allow you to provide users with more comprehensive information. This will save you money on printing and distribution costs as well.
This last point is key. Having the ability to change your direction in a moment’s notice could be your competitive advantage! In order to be able to do this, you need to know how to create and maintain a website. Many people realize the importance of having a presence online, although I still encounter LNCs who do not understand why legal nurse consultants must have a website. Using a website to represent your business is crucial in order to market on the internet.
In the past, getting training to do this required technical skills and knowledge of HTML and programming. But not today!
Who can make the changes in your WordPress site? YOU can! That’s right! Even if you don’t have experience with websites. You do not need a web developer who is not available when you need help, or someone to write code. YOU can make changes whenever you want or need to make a change. Once you understand why legal nurse consultants must have a website.
Also, you can CREATE a site. Who knows better what to go onto a website than YOU! There is no need for a middle man to charge you a lot of money when it won’t be right the first time. You can create it (and other sites if you want).
Start now to take control of your own website.
Paul Taubman has been teaching people about computers since he was in fifth grade. He and Pat Iyer teamed up to create a course that will unlock the secrets of WordPress and allow you to gain control over your website. Get information about the course.