Creating a Successful LNC Practice
About the Book Series: Books 1-4
Book #1 How to Start a Legal Nurse Consulting Business
Book #2 Legal Nurse Consultant Marketing
Book #3 How to Analyze Medical Records: A Primer for Legal Nurse Consultants
Book #4 How to be a Successful Expert Witness
Starting and running a business is a challenge for most legal nurse consultants.
Self-doubt and lack of confidence holds LNCs back from taking the risks associated with starting or expanding a business.
The new business owner wonders: what if I fail? Conquering your mindset is a necessary step in getting a business started. Developing a polished professional appearance is also essential.
The Challenges for LNCs - both new and experienced
Understanding the fears of attorneys will help you determine the needs of the ideal client. Discover how motivation affects your ability to reach ideal clients. Learn how to talk attorneys' language so you sell the benefits of working with you.
In this series of books, you’ll learn about cold calls, warm calls and hot leads. I will show you how to use your networks to get referrals to attorneys, using a structured script that works. I will teach you exactly where to find attorneys and how to nurture your relationships with them.
Does this sound like you?
You want to start or grow your legal nurse consulting business?
You need a group of raving fans who will recommend you to their attorney colleagues?
You want to build a strong business that will pay your bills and give you security?
Teaching Beyond the Basics
Throughout this book series I share specific strategies to use your legal nurse consulting skills to help your clients so that they view you as indispensible.
You’ll learn specific strategies to ramp up your business to meet your clients' needs and skillfully manage your business.

Testimonials How to Start a Legal Nurse Consulting Business
How to Start a Legal Nurse Consulting Business is a treasure trove of practical business advice for LNCs. Pat Iyer generously shares the steps she took (and still uses) to establish and grow her incredibly successful business. This removes the guesswork and gives me confidence that I will be a cut above the rest. The book is full of actual examples and is a pleasure to read. It is a must for any LNC’s library, whether new or experienced.
Ilene Schwartz RN
IDS Associates, West Nyack, NY
In writing How to Start a Legal Nurse Consulting Business Pat has done it again. She shares valuable information and personal experiences as an entrepreneur from a down-to-earth perspective that anyone can related to. She has pulled all the parts together into a step-by-step guide for creating a successful LNC practice. I enjoyed reading and learning from this valuable information. I will refer back to it many times to come in my journal to success.
Yvonne Goodman RN
Silverkey LNC, Clinton, MO
Pat Iyer’s How to Start a Legal Nurse Consulting Business provides invaluable information about setting up a legal nurse consulting business. It takes the entrepreneur from the first stages of making the decision to run a business to maintaining client relationships. The book has very practical step-by-step advice and includes a wealth of information ot help get your business launched and keep it running successfully. I will definitely refer to this book as I endeavor to develop and grow my business.
Joanie Gold RN BSN CLNC
Gold Medical Legal Consulting LLC
Excelsior, MN
Patricia Iyer is truly a recognized and insightful national leader within the field of legal nursing. I have had the delight of working together on a variety of projects. Each publication offers the reader a wealth of information that they return asking when the next book will be written. This publication is another masterful piece, which every legal nurse consultant must have as a reference.
Hingham, MA
You want to take the exciting information you've learned about legal nurse consulting and start getting cases. Where do you begin? How do you get the best results? There are so many choices and you feel confused. You don't want to spend your money unwisely and make expensive mistakes.
How do you build a strong business? Should you make cold calls? How do you get referrals? How can you attract attorneys to you so they are calling you? This book is your solution. The principles here will help you to establish and maintain a successful LNC business.
Testimonials Legal Nurse Consultant Marketing
This book is another great addition to the “Pat Iyer shelf” I have started in my legal nurse/business library. I found this book to be meticulously planned out, very well-written and easy to understand. It doesn’t matter whether you are a neophyte or an experienced business professional, you will find this book to be an invaluable tool. Michele A. Civic, BSN, RN, LCP, Civic Life Care Planning
A must read for all legal nurse consultants serious about building their business. It was packed full of gems of information and pearls of wisdom. Jocelyn Landis, Elite Legal Nurse Consulting
After reading this book, I feel confident that I will be able to market my business successfully and take it to the next level. The real world examples of what to say and how to respond are what make this book stand out. I have read other books by Pat Iyer and as usual, she never fails to deliver. Thank you for another addition to my LNC library. Carla McDuffie MJ, BSN, RN, Discovery Consulting, Inc.
This book is easy to follow and answers a lot of great questions that many legal nurse consultants have. Pat challenges you to really think about who your target market is and what you want to accomplish by connecting with them. Kelly Tanner, RN, BSN, CCRN, CCTC, Tanner Legal Nurse Consulting, PLLC
Holy smokes! This is awesome! Legal Nurse Consultant Marketing has pertinent information for me even after 6 years in the business. I only wish I had this book when I started my business. This book is a treasure trove of information for the LNC. Whether you are new to the LNC world or experienced, there is information in this book to ensure the best review and report. Thanks Pat, for all your hard work.
Wendy Votroubek RN BSN MPH, LNC
Integrity Legal Nurse Consulting PDX
IT’S TERRIFIC! I wish I had read this book when I first started my career as a LNC. Of course, I am not downgrading anything I have already read, it’s just this book puts me at ease on how to market my business, where I want to go and where I will be in 1 year, 5 years and longer! It’s very resourceful and will only assist me in my business as a legal nurse consultant! Simple, yet, intelligent information for legal nurses everywhere! From types of clients to market, to marketing strategies, and much, much more insight and understanding to achieve GREAT SUCCESS! Who’d of thought marketing could be so stress free?
It’s the best book I have read for my business! The book’s easy reading and simplified common sense marketing techniques paves the way for GREAT SUCCESS without all the stress! I will continue to refer to this book; there is so much to learn from it that one reading is not enough!
Rita A. Buettner, BSN, RN, HCRM, ALNC, Expert Legal Nurse Consulting
You want to build your business with ease and confidence and don't know where to begin. What is the best way to market? How do you present yourself so that it is obvious you are the best choice for the attorney?
Marketing knowledge is essential for starting and growing your business. This publication pulls together the strategies you need to be successful at developing and expanding your legal nurse consulting business.
In this book, you'll get concrete answers from an LNC who founded and grew her LNC business until it created more than a million dollars a year. This book is an essential guide to help you ramp up your legal nurse consultant marketing.
Testimonials How to Analyze Medical Records: A Primer for Legal Nurse Consultants
Pat Iyer shares precious gems of wisdom acquired through years of working in the specialty practice of legal nurse consulting. She paints a compelling picture of how best to organize, review and analyze medical records. She provides practical tips and strategies further illuminated by authentic case studies. No matter what level of experience you have as an LNC, you can gain insights on how to better perform your work and add greater value. Linda Husted, MPH, RN, CNLCP®, LNCC, CCM, CDMS, CRC
As a legal nurse consultant, having a guide to reviewing medical records and report writing is essential. Pat’s extensive experience in medical record review and report writing is evident. She provides practical advice and examples from her own experiences to help avoid common pitfalls. This will be a book I refer to often and another resource to add to my Pat Iyer library. Carla McDuffie MJ, BSN, RN, Discovery Consulting, Inc
Pat’s book on analyzing medical records is packed with information and tips beneficial to even the most seasoned LNC. I especially appreciated all the examples used! Jocelyn Landis, RN, CLNC Elite Legal Nurse Consulting
The information in this book was like Miracle Grow to my writing skills. This book covered many more details in a clearer manner than many LNC courses. I wish I would have had this as a new LNC. I highly recommend this to all nurses, whether an LNC or a staff nurse. It is vitally important bedside nurses know how the legal system works. Well worth the money. Great gift for a new LNC.
Pam Shenberger RN CPAN
This book is a treasure trove of information for the LNC. Whether you are new to the LNC world or experienced, there is information in this book to ensure the best review and report. Thanks Pat for all your hard work. Wendy L Votroubek, RN, BSN, MPH, LNC
Integrity Legal Nurse Consulting PDX
WOW! After reading this book I have knowledge that I didn’t even know I was missing in reviewing medical records. The details and insight in this book are solid stepping stones that every legal nurse consultant needs to thoroughly review a medical record and have the confidence to opine about a record. I now feel even more self-assured about reviewing medical records from beginning to end and realizing what may be missing or what is in the record that can solidify my opinion of the case.
No legal nurse should be without this book! It will only enhance your ability to review a record and give you the confidence needed to formulate an opinion. I love it! I have gotten so much solid information and guidance that I know that my review of records will be better because I read this book!
Rita Buettner BSN, RN, HCRM, ALNC, Expert Legal Nurse Consulting
The medical records arrived. How do you begin? Wouldn't you like a step by step process to follow to analyze the records? Medical records are the foundation of legal nurse consulting. Discover exactly how to organize, analyze, summarize and critique medical records. You'll learn how to spot altered medical records and decipher voluminous electronic medical records. Move from confused to clear about how to go through medical records. This is Pat's best selling book - ever!
Testimonials How to Manage Your LNC Business
As always, Pat Iyer presents information in an approachable and precise manner. Each page contains a gold nugget of information that is useful to the novice, as well as expert Legal Nurse Consultant. Each book in the series provide practical and insightful information and provides a pathway for the reader to implement excellence in their practice. Thank you for providing this series to help me develop a firm foundation as I build my Legal Nurse Consulting practice. Becky Czarnik RN, MS, CLNC, LNCP-C, CMSP
Pat Iyer’s resources, as always, are invaluable adjuncts to any legal nurse consultant. This book is clear, concise and presents excellent examples of issues that arise in the nurse expert role. There is a wealth of practical information that engenders growth and confidence in the role of expert witness. She is a generous and encouraging mentor. I am grateful to have learned from her a whole new way to use my nursing expertise. Carol E. Dakin, PhD, RN
I enjoyed reading this book simply for its complete and thorough picture of the multiple and varied roles of the legal nurse expert. I found the information presented in a organized, efficient manner and clearly stated. It brought up specific topics, addressed unique events, provided armoring advice, to those willing to venture into the expert realm covering nursing and the law. Sarah Jean Fisher MSN, RNB-C, BA, FNGNA
As a Past President of AALNC (2004-2005), I found this book to be a wealth of information for all levels of nurses working in the expert witness role. This resource provides insight and invaluable information to all nurse experts. I am confident this will become an integral addition to ANY nurse’s library. This accurate and poignant information is communicated clearly and provides insight along with several educational examples. The book is a must read for all nurses who want to serve in the role as a nurse expert. Thank you Pat for all of your many contributions to the legal nursing field and for inspiring others to serve in this role. You are certainly a revered leader in the field of legal nursing. Barbara Levin BSN RN ONC CMSRN LNCC
Do you want to sharpen your expert witness skills, get more cases and feel confident that you performing well? You want to do your best and not fail on the witness stand. You like the challenge of expert witness analysis and dread the cross examination that goes with it.
There is a lot at stake in medical malpractice cases. Being an expert witness is a tremendous opportunity and a huge responsibility. How can you engage in your work with professionalism and commitment? The attorney and his client are counting on you.
This book draws on Pat's experiences both as an expert witness for 25 years and one who has trained hundreds of experts - nurses, physicians, and a variety of healthcare professionals.