Get Your First LNC Case
You’re sitting in your home thinking,
- How do I get my first LNC case?
- I took a program to become an LNC and now I am ready to start. How do I get involved in this specialty field of nursing?
- I would love to be able to take off a day without asking permission from a boss.
- What is it like to work with attorneys?
- How do I get started?
- How do I overcome the risks of starting my business?
You’re putting your foot out into new territory. You fear that you could make mistakes and cost everybody a lot of time and money. You’re wondering, “Am I up for the challenge? What can I do to get started and overcome my fears. What can I do to meet my first attorney client?” This book helps you overcome your fears and get out of your own way.

The author of Get Your First LNC Case, is Pat Iyer, who built a multimillion-dollar LNC business. She knows being in business is scary. What if you’re no good at it? The doubters in your life may tell you the things that you’re worried about yourself.
Are you ready to start? Imagine NOT taking that risk. Envision yourself working in a hospital under increasingly difficult and short-staffed conditions, feeling old before your time, weighed down with the burden of unrealized dreams.
Don’t do that to yourself. Take the first step and read Get Your First LNC Case. Get inspired, motivated, and reassured that YOU can do this.
The time has come for you to focus on the rewards of starting your LNC business. Pat’s new book, Get Your First LNC Case will help you reduce the risks by giving you invaluable advice about starting and building your career. Pat wrote this book with your success in mind.