How to Analyze Medical Records $29.95

Testimonials How to Analyze Medical Records: A Primer for Legal Nurse Consultants
Pat Iyer shares precious gems of wisdom acquired through years of working in the specialty practice of legal nurse consulting. She paints a compelling picture of how best to organize, review and analyze medical records. She provides practical tips and strategies further illuminated by authentic case studies. No matter what level of experience you have as an LNC, you can gain insights on how to better perform your work and add greater value. Linda Husted, MPH, RN, CNLCP®, LNCC, CCM, CDMS, CRC
As a legal nurse consultant, having a guide to reviewing medical records and report writing is essential. Pat’s extensive experience in medical record review and report writing is evident. She provides practical advice and examples from her own experiences to help avoid common pitfalls. This will be a book I refer to often and another resource to add to my Pat Iyer library. Carla McDuffie MJ, BSN, RN, Discovery Consulting, Inc
Pat’s book on analyzing medical records is packed with information and tips beneficial to even the most seasoned LNC. I especially appreciated all the examples used! Jocelyn Landis, RN, CLNC Elite Legal Nurse Consulting
The information in this book was like Miracle Grow to my writing skills. This book covered many more details in a clearer manner than many LNC courses. I wish I would have had this as a new LNC. I highly recommend this to all nurses, whether an LNC or a staff nurse. It is vitally important bedside nurses know how the legal system works. Well worth the money. Great gift for a new LNC.
Pam Shenberger RN CPAN
This book is a treasure trove of information for the LNC. Whether you are new to the LNC world or experienced, there is information in this book to ensure the best review and report. Thanks Pat for all your hard work. Wendy L Votroubek, RN, BSN, MPH, LNC
Integrity Legal Nurse Consulting PDX
WOW! After reading this book I have knowledge that I didn’t even know I was missing in reviewing medical records. The details and insight in this book are solid stepping stones that every legal nurse consultant needs to thoroughly review a medical record and have the confidence to opine about a record. I now feel even more self-assured about reviewing medical records from beginning to end and realizing what may be missing or what is in the record that can solidify my opinion of the case.
No legal nurse should be without this book! It will only enhance your ability to review a record and give you the confidence needed to formulate an opinion. I love it! I have gotten so much solid information and guidance that I know that my review of records will be better because I read this book!
Rita Buettner BSN, RN, HCRM, ALNC, Expert Legal Nurse Consulting
Medical records are the foundation of legal nurse consulting. We organize, analyze, summarize and critique medical records when we assist our clients. It is essential to have a sound foundation in understanding both handwritten and computer generated medical records. The ability to take the medical records to create an effective work product will make you shine as a legal nurse consultant. Read what your colleagues said about this best-selling book.

The information in this book was like Miracle Grow to my writing skills. This book covered many more details in a clearer manner than many LNC courses. I wish I would have had this as a new LNC. I highly recommend this to all nurses, whether an LNC or a staff nurse. It is vitally important bedside nurses know how the legal system works. Well worth the money. Great gift for a new LNC. Pam Shenberger RN CPAN