How to Heat a Fiery Brand for Your LNC Business: Tips to Be Noticeable
As a legal nurse consultant, you face a lot of competition. How can you convince an attorney to choose you over the many other LNCs seeking clients? Are you establishing and promoting your own fiery brand?
The answer is branding: giving people a reason to choose you because they feel you offer something they can’t get anywhere else.
In How to Heat a Fiery Brand for Your LNC Business: Tips to Be Noticeable, by Pat Iyer, you’ll discover how to define and express your unique identity, the special gift you offer your client that no other LNC can.
It may be
● exceptional customer care,
● attention to detail, or
● going above and beyond what the client requests.
Learn what your gift is and use it to position yourself in the LNC world. Then you will attract attorneys for whom price is not an issue because your branding makes it clear that hiring your services will yield rewards beyond price.
That’s what branding is: giving people a reason to choose you because they feel you offer something they can’t get anywhere else.
In this book, you’ll learn how to define and express your unique identity, your fiery brand, the special gift you give your client: exceptional service, dedicated attention to detail, or going above and beyond what the client requests.

Patricia Iyer, RN, MSN, LNCC provides the benefits of her 28 years of running a successful legal nurse consulting business to help you.
Once you learn what your gift is, your marketing will become much easier, and you can use it to tell the world: This is what makes my service special. When you clearly express who you are, you’ll attract attorneys for whom price is not an issue because your fiery brand makes it clear that hiring your services will give them exactly what they need.
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