If you are a Legal Nurse Consultant and you don't have enough clients, you’ve got a problem:

You could be wondering,

  • How do I stand out in a competitive field?
  • How do I draw attention to myself?
  • How do I show that I am knowledgeable so that attorneys will hire me?

Get the visibility and authority you need to stand out by writing a chapter for Medical Record Analysis Volume 3 and discover what our other authors already learned: effective methods to excel in a competitive field.

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When attorneys (and other LNCs who make recommendations for legal nurse consultants) remember you, they think of you when they have a case for an LNC with your skills.

If you remain invisible, the case goes to someone else.

pat with mic

I’ve got an answer that builds your visibility and authority. It is being published skills. Here’s what happened to me.

My first book opened the door to a long and well-paid career as an expert witness and legal nurse consultant. In 1985, I teamed up with two other nurses to write a book, which W.B. Saunders published a year later. My first book, Nursing Process and Nursing Diagnosis, led to both expert witness cases and behind-the-scenes consulting work.

In the picture below you'll see an arrow pointing at that first book. That stack of books is mine. It shows most of the books I wrote, coauthored, or coedited. 

After learning how to write, edit, and publish books, I invited other nurses to contribute to books directed to trial attorneys.

As an editor of books, I assemble the team of authors, assist them in gaining the focus of their chapter, review their outlines, and edit their chapters. I held the hands of hundreds of authors every step of the way.

Isn’t it time you experienced the joy and rewards of being published?


No other legal nurse consultant has written as much, edited as many books, and contributed publications to the LNC field as I have.

Being a published author has made all the difference for me, and for the nurses who contributed chapters to my 27 coauthored books. 

It's your turn!


Stack of books

Here's the Proof. #1 Amazon Bestseller for the first 2 volumes of Medical Record Analysis

BestSeller Volume 2

Schedule for the Book

Enrollment Period: June - July 2024

Self-paced course on how to write your chapter: Available immediately upon enrollment

First draft due: August 30, 2024

Final chapter due: September 30, 2024

Editing, Formatting, Printing: October - November 2024

Books Available for Sale: December 1, 2024

LNC Analysis of Medical Records 22

Join us to be part of the third book of this series now. The spots will go fast. Your investment includes

  •  A self-paced course to teach you how to structure and write your 1500-to-2000-word chapter – so there is no guesswork. You’ll get a system you can use to be successful.
  • A meeting with me to discuss the focus of your chapter so you know how to get started.
  • Complete publishing package that includes editing, formatting, cover design and placing the book on Amazon.
  • A virtual book launch event where you can invite guests to learn about your book.
  •  A collaborative relationship with your coauthors - when they market the book, you can visibility to their audience
  • An Amazon bestseller campaign - we've gotten prior volumes to #1 Amazon bestseller status within a day
  • A complimentary copy of the book and the opportunity to purchase them at a 50% discount over retail price (in multiples of 10 copies)
  • Give away or resell the books when exhibiting, on your website, etc.
  • Podcast guest spot on Legal Nurse Podcast for worldwide exposure (Legal Nurse Podcast has listeners in 107 countries)
  • You will receive your podcast audio and video files to post anywhere you like


What do I expect of you?

●  Write your chapter

●  Adhere to the deadlines

●  Provide your bio and headshot

●  Help to promote the book



Would this project fit into your growth strategy for the coming year by being an author of this compilation book as well as having a featured spot on our international Legal Nurse Podcast?

This project requires an investment, but at a fraction of what you would need for each segment individually. Typically, to join a compilation book the cost is $5000 to $10,000.

But by pooling our resources, you can experience the whole package for only $2497 - with more publicity and farther reach than we could ever do alone. 

Do You Want In?

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