Get critical information that will help you protect yourself or your loved ones from medical errors. Learn how to stay healthy within the healthcare system, ask the right questions of your doctors and nurses, and to speak up. Invest in yourself and your health by investing in our informative programs on patient safety: click a program below or on the right
Advocating for Yourself
In this insightful interview, Kathleen Aston talks about the barriers patients face when trying to be assertive. She shares her perspective both as a patient and an expert on helping people find their confidence.
Bullying in Health Care: How it Harms Patients
Bullying does not occur just in the playground or corporate setting. It also happens in health care where people’s lives are at stake. Bullying in the healthcare environment can have serious consequences to patient care.
Challenges of Caring for Elderly Parents
This interview presents concrete ideas for how to overcome challenges in caring for elderly parents.
Couch Potatoes: Secrets of Getting Fit
Mike Schatzki shares some surprising information about getting fit, just for us couch potatoes. If you are already fit, you’ll find out the two things you need to do to stay fit.
End of Life Hospitalization
Bart Windrum is a sought after panelist for conferences on end of life options. In this interview, he shares an overview of his experiences being a patient advocate for his parents.
Goal Setting
Cathy Demers discusses how you can set and magnetize your goals to achieve your objectives.
Instant Stress Busters
One day Aila Accad RN MSN found herself curled up on her sofa with a blanket over her head, trying to escape her stress. She learned how to reduce her stress, lose weight, make better choices and love herself with the techniques she will share in this interview.
Killer Cure
Patient safety expert Elizabeth Bewley exposes the sources of errors in the healthcare system. Health care kills more than 600,000 people every year, the equivalent of the population of Boston.
Medical Errors and Charlotte’s Story
Barbara Levin shares her perspective about patient safety from two viewpoints: as the daughter of a woman who was a victim of medical errors, and as a registered nurse who is involved in day-to-day care in taking care of patients in the hospital.
More Than the Blues
On the surface Carol Kivler had it all: a beautiful house, successful attorney husband, healthy children, and a fulfilling part time job as a college professor. She began having racing thoughts, weight loss, joint pain and headaches.
Patient Controlled Analgesia Pumps: Patient Safety
Michael Wong and Cindy and Brian Abbiehl team up in this interview to discuss the risks associated with patient controlled analgesia pumps.
Perils of Home Care of a Parent: Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse
Faye Levow’s harrowing story reveals exploitation, greed, fraud, and abuse of a helpless older woman. Faye shares her story of uncovering a plot to steal money from her mother, and how she orchestrated a sting operation to catch the criminal.
Reducing Cardiac Risks
In this interview, Dr. Rosemary McGeady shares her special perspective as a cardiologist who became a plaintiff’s medical malpractice attorney.
Reducing Risks of Nursing Home Care
Attorney Sean Doolan has developed expertise in representing the victims of nursing home and assisted living malpractice. He shares his lessons learned in this interview, and provides specific information you can use to advocate for a loved one in the nursing home.
Same Day Surgery Risks
Patricia Lewis is a registered nurse and legal nurse consultant. She will teach you how to reduce your risks when you go through same day surgery.
Staying Safe in the Hospital
This interview will teach you how to express your concerns about a family member in the hospital so you will get results.
What is Mind-Body Medicine?
Kay Rice challenges assumptions about Western medicine and presents a different model of thinking: mind-body medicine.
Why Health Care is Broken and How it Affects You
In this edgy and controversial interview, a critical care doctor will give you a broader perspective of health care and how its failings can affect you – and what to do about them.