Safeguard Your Ambulatory Nursing Care Practice
by Patricia Iyer MSN RN LNCC
Price: $24.95

This text highlights the legal risks of nurses who work in a wide variety of ambulatory care settings: clinics, medical offices, telephone triage and other settings. It focuses on one of the high risk aspects of medical care: ambulatory care risk management. Learn how to prevent medical malpractice claims in ambulatory care. If you are an attorney or legal nurse consultant, you will learn how to analyze ambulatory care medical malpractice cases.
Has this happened to you?
- You recognize that something occurring in your ambulatory care practice setting puts the patient at risk for injury. You want to know how to avoid risks to the patient.
- You are involved in an ambulatory care incident and you wonder about your risks of being sued.
- You receive a notice that you are being sued for nursing malpractice in an ambulatory care setting
- You are a legal nurse consultant or an attorney handling a case involving ambulatory care medical malpractice. You need more information about the clinical and managerial responsibilities of staff in ambulatory care.
This book is packed with vital information about the risk management in ambulatory care. You will learn
- Why people file lawsuits against healthcare providers
- How an ambulatory care law suit proceeds
- Common allegations against nurses in ambulatory care
- High risk incidents
- How ambulatory care lawsuits are defended
- Legal doctrines pertinent to ambulatory care nurse administrators
- How to create bullet proof nursing documentation
Case studies drive the points home in this book. This book is an expansion on content presented by Patricia Iyer at the American Association of Ambulatory Care Nursing Annual Conference. This well-attended conference received highly positive comments.
PATRICIA W. IYER, MSN RN LNCC is the former president of Med League Support Services, Inc., a company she founded in 1987 and sold in 2015 which provided legal nurse consulting for attorneys at She is also President, The Pat Iyer Group, where she helps legal nurse consultants succeed.
Patricia Iyer has been a legal nurse consultant since 1987 when she first began reviewing cases as an expert witness. She achieved national prominence through her texts and many contributions to the legal nurse consulting field. She was the chief editor of Legal Nurse Consulting Principles and Practices, Second Edition, the core curriculum for legal nurse consulting. She completed 5 years on the Board of Directors of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants including a term as president.
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