Discover the story of the serial killer, the Good Nurse, Charles Cullen, as told by 2 nurses involved in his case
Network with LNCs dedicated to growing their business
Find out how to powerfully present a burn case
Define how the LNC assists with nurses whose licenses are on the line
Decipher the nursing home record: TARS, MARS and MDSs – this is not an acute care case!
Discover techniques for mastering deposition testimony
Create abundant referrals to expand your business
Get refreshed, supported, and educated with specialized LNC knowledge
Use today's marketing techniques to win more business
Get a new perspective on how to grow your LNC business
Pick up pearls of wisdom from experienced LNCs
Discover the ABCs of DMEs. Building a Business, and Plastic Surgery Complications
David Cohen
Dr. Kathleen Ashton
Patricia Iyer
Janelle Anderson
Samuel Davis Esq
Darin Adams
Nancy Stuck
Gina D’Angelo
Barbara Levin
Valerie Lane
Joe Flores
Kris Mew
Tiffanie Kellog
Christine Dorman
Tim Kane
Patty Hedrick
Irene Nobles
Elliot Kolodny
Turning the Hot Seat into a Chill Seat
David Cohen answers LNCs' questions about testifying (recording 2)
Pat Iyer and David Cohen and Elliot Kolodny
Charles Cullen RN: Tracing the Nurse Killer’s Steps
Pat Iyer and Dr. Kathleen Ashton
A Legal Nurse’s Role with the Board of Nursing
Joe Flores RN Esq NP and Barbara Levin
6 Steps to Master Your Magnetic Message
Janelle Anderson
Presenting the Burn Case in a Powerful Way
Samuel Davis Esq and Nancy Stuck
Deciphering a Nursing Home Record
Gina D’Angelo
Creating Abundant Referrals for LNCs
Tiffanie Kellog
Power Hour with LNCs
The ABCS of DMEs
The ABCs of Building a Business
The ABCs of Plastic Surgery Complications
Tim Kane
Valerie Lane
Kris Mew
Breakthrough Sessions: Laser coaching for your burning questions
Ramp Up Your Business
Darin Adams
How to Overcome the Challenges of Legal Nurse Consulting
Christine Dorman, Patty Hedrick, Irene Nobles
Get all the recordings plus special bonus items from the speakers and workbooks.
Nursing contact hours are an optional benefit involving $15 paid to the contact hour certificate provider, Taylor College. The provider is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP-3285. CE credit is accepted in all states that require mandatory continuing education for relicensure. Call 1-800-743-4006 with questions.
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