The Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses Course

Welcome to Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses course. Led by Nurse Attorney Arlene Klepatsky, and seasoned Expert Witness Pat Iyer, the course is tailored specifically for nurses who aspire to become successful expert witnesses in legal cases. The course spans four sessions, each delving into the critical aspects of serving as a nursing expert witness.

Available On Demand - Start When You are Ready!

Who should enroll

This course is ideal for nurses who are interested in expanding their professional practice to include expert witness work. Both new and experienced nurses in the field will find valuable insights and practical guidance to enhance their expertise and marketability in this unique and demanding role.

Course Format

The course was conducted in an interactive format, encouraging participation, case studies, and Q&A sessions to enrich the learning experience. Students will also have access to a range of resources and materials to support their journey as nursing expert witnesses.

The Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses Course

Session 1: The Foundations of Legal Expertise (Instructor: Arlene Klepatsky)

Overview of the American Legal System

Understanding the role of expert witnesses in various legal contexts.

Nursing Experts in Legal Cases

Exploring when and why nursing experts are vital, including different stages of legal proceedings such as pre-suit, liability analysis, damage assessment, appellate processes, and post-conviction relief.

Varieties of Nursing Experts

Identifying different types of nursing experts and their specific roles in legal cases.

Ethics and Conflict of Interest

Navigating ethical considerations and avoiding conflicts of interest in expert witness practice.

Session 2: Building Your Practice (Instructor: Pat Iyer)

Attracting Cases

Strategies for making your expertise known and attracting potential cases.

Securing the Engagement

Tips for effectively presenting your skills to secure expert witness opportunities.

Closing the Sale

Mastering the art of finalizing agreements with legal professionals.

Session 3: Case Analysis and Reporting (Instructor: Pat Iyer)

Analyzing the Case

A deep dive into the four critical elements of case analysis for nursing expert witnesses.

Expert Report Writing

Crafting comprehensive, clear, and effective expert reports - a key component of your role.

Session 4: Client Management and Professional Growth (Instructor: Arlene Klepatsky)

Client Management

Best practices for maintaining responsiveness and managing client relationships.

Delivering Difficult News

Techniques for effectively communicating challenging information to clients.

Cultivating Repeat Business

Strategies for building lasting relationships with legal professionals

Financial Management

Ensuring timely payment for services and managing financial aspects of expert witness work.


How to be a Successful Expert Witness, Second Edition

By Pat Iyer (Digital download)


Sample Expert Witness Reports

Your Investment

Single Pay

  • $697 Single pay

Two Payments

$400 x 2
  • $400 for two payments 30 days apart

Let's Meet the Presenters for The Expert Witness Mastery for Nurses Course

Arlene Klepatsky MSN RN Esq is an attorney at law in California and is experienced in working with expert witnesses. She co-developed an ABA-approved, university-based LNC program and taught in it for nearly 10 years. She contributed 2 chapters to Legal Nurse Consulting, Principles and Practices, Second Edition, edited by Pat Iyer. Arlene also wrote multiple journal articles.


Arlene Klepatsky

Pat Iyer

Pat Iyer

Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC is an experienced Legal Nurse Consultant who has reviewed hundreds of nursing malpractice cases and testified as a medical surgical expert in state and federal courts for 20 years.