Does your brand build trust in your clients and prospects? Especially in the legal nurse consulting industry you need to build immediate trust, immediate credibility, immediate knowledge and experience.
One of the questions to ask yourself, “Do you really feel connected to not only your name, which is a big part of branding, but also the look and feel of your brand? Does your brand make you proud to hand out your business card? Does it make you stand up and stand out?” If you can’t stand in a room and say, “This is who I am and I’m proud of it”, then it is time to examine your brand.
Is Branding Building Trust and Repeat Business?
How does a legal nurse consultant earn repeat business effortlessly? The answer to that question is brand consistency. Your clients need to understand your brand. If they have to guess about your brand, they are going to run. They’re not going to trust it; they’re going to move on to the next competitor.
Branding consistency is essential if you want to have repeat business and attract clients. Attorneys know that they can trust you and that they will receive the same quality work over and over and over. If they have a positive experience, they trust you and your brand.
“Attorneys change legal nurse consultants as often as they change their underwear.”
Brand Loyalty
I had a partner once who said, “Attorneys change legal nurse consultants as often as they change their underwear.” Really? Do you believe that is true? It does not have to be.
Attorneys will be loyal to your brand when they know they can trust it; they like it; they know it. When your branding is building trust it will keep them coming back.
Consider how this works if you provide a service such as supplying nursing expert witnesses. Your clients expect them to perform at a certain level. Some of the most disturbing messages that I heard as the president of the company involved an expert who was not functioning at the level I expected. Perhaps the expert was not responsive or her report was not prepared well.
In this situation, each one of your experts is demonstrating to your client base a standard of performance. Each expert affects the ability of every other expert in the business to potentially get work in the future from one of your clients.
Branding is affected by the consultants, subcontractors or employees that you work with. The lawyer has this experience with your brand because these individuals are representing you and your business and that’s what they’re going to remember. When you set up your legal nurse consulting business, make sure that your standards are consistent. When your branding is building trust, clients will come back. That’s what’s going to create the repeat business. It’s when the attorneys can’t trust you anymore then they move on to the next option, like the next pair of underpants.
Modified from “Discover, Define and Deliver a Brand that Shines”, a webinar presented by Jena Rodriquez