Is this you? Do you want to take control of your marketing plan? You want to get more clients?
On this free webinar we'll cover how to take your business to the next level. AND you will get a roadmap for building your legal nurse consulting business.
We'll also reveal how to carry out a step by step marketing plan for creating a coherent and compelling marketing strategy for your business!
You can use these techniques to quickly achieve success in your marketing.
In fact, here's just a sample of what we'll cover on this incredible webinar:
• The step by step marketing plan for a legal nurse consulting business.
• How to carry out the steps without a large capital investment to test the waters. There are techniques you can use to reduce capital outlay.
• It does not take years to be profitable.
• The steps that work so you don’t waste time and money on ineffective marketing
... and much, MUCH More!
Your Presenters

Gary Lynn PhD is a Full Tenured Professor of Marketing at The Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Lynn has a Ph.D. in Innovation and Marketing; Masters in Business from the Kellogg School; Mechanical Engineering degree from Vanderbilt.
He was selected as one of nine leading management gurus in the world by Business 2.0 Magazine. Past guru selections include Clay Christensen, Peter Drucker, W.E. Deming and C.K. Prahalad.
Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC is one of America’s most successful legal nurse consultants. Two years after entering the field of legal nurse consulting as an expert witness, Pat started Med League, an independent legal nurse consulting business. She ran this company for 28 years before selling it in 2015. She is now a trusted advisor to LNCs through LNCAcademy.com.