In 4 Online Sessions. Here is a breakdown of the entire course

LNC Marketing Success is a proven specific step by step process of building your business without risking your life savings. Your success as a legal nurse consultant will depend on how well you develop an entrepreneurial roadmap for your business.
The program consists of 4 steps to guide you through the process of 1) determining the competitive landscape and how you can win; 2) identifying your ideal customer and quantifying their pain; 3) validating your business without spending a dime; and 4) growing your business profitably.
By the end of this program you will have
1. A description of your ideal clients
2. An outline of what to say to win their business
3. A roadmap for your company so you will know where you are going and how to get there
4. A plan to validate your business without spending a dime
5. A strategy that incorporates the 3 keys of marketing.
Your Instructors
Gary Lynn PhD is a Full Tenured Professor of Marketing at The Stevens Institute of Technology. Dr. Lynn has a Ph.D. in Innovation and Marketing; Masters in Business from the Kellogg School; Mechanical Engineering degree from Vanderbilt.
He was selected as one of nine leading management gurus in the world by Business 2.0 Magazine. Past guru selections include Clay Christensen, Peter Drucker, W.E. Deming and C.K. Prahalad.
Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC is one of America’s most successful legal nurse consultants. Two years after entering the field of legal nurse consulting as an expert witness, Pat started Med League, an independent legal nurse consulting business. She ran this company for 28 years before selling it in 2015. She is now a trusted advisor to LNCs through LNCAcademy.com.
The Course Curriculum
Component #1 Steps to LNC Marketing Success: How to Connect with Clients ($797 Value)

Session 1: Entrepreneurial Marketing
√ Learn the three key concepts in marketing for your consulting business.
√ Formulate a plan to identify and target the best market segments.
√ Create different business models and pricing strategies to attract more business.
Session 2: Beating the Competition
√ Learn how to determine who are your closest competitors.
√ Understand your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.
√ Determine how to win against your competition.

Session 3: Identifying Your Customers’ Pain Point
√ Determine who your Ideal Customer is and how to reach them.
√ Quantify your benefit to your clients in terms that resonate with them.
√ Develop a crystal clear vision of your target market.
Session 4: Pitching Your Business to Win Clients
√ Know how to articulate your business in a concise and compelling way.
√ Learn how to pitch your business to win the sale.

Component #2: 4 Training Sessions with Gary Lynn and Pat Iyer ($797 value)

Get training and homework to create and implement a winning marketing strategy for your business.
At the end of each training session you will have a chance to apply what you have learned. You will receive a specific homework assignment. Each homework should take 2 hours to complete.
You will submit your homework to the instructors for feedback and to make sure you are on the right track. You will be on your way to creating your personalized marketing plan.
Component #3: Personal Feedback from Gary Lynn PhD or Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC ($1050 value)
Gary Lynn or Pat Iyer will personally review your assignments and give you feedback on them.
Gary Lynn has a deep knowledge of marketing, having launched and sold 4 businesses. He has the gift of being able to translate his knowledge into concepts that are easy for his students to understand.
Two years after entering the field of legal nurse consulting as an expert witness, Pat started Med League, an independent legal nurse consulting business. She ran this company for 28 years before selling it in 2015. She successfully used marketing concepts to grow her legal nurse consulting business to more than a million dollars in sales per year for the last 5 years she ran the business.
Component #4: Lifetime Access to LNC Marketing Success Support Group ($797 value)
Beside education, LNC Marketing Success is all about being part of a success-minded community.
Creating a marketing plan without the right support group is hard, but there is no reason for you to struggle on your own.
You deserve to be part of a group of legal nurse consultants who are committed to serve attorneys with excellence. Your fellow students will share their thoughts and advice. You’ll get additional ideas for refining your marketing plan.
We are here for you!
After you join LNC Marketing Success, you will be added to our exclusive secret Facebook community to connect with your fellow students
Bonus #1: How to Get All the Clients You Need ($297 value)

You are really getting two marketing courses for the price of one. This 9 hour online course is taught by marketing and sales professionals and consultants including Pat Iyer, Greg Williams, Therese Sparby, Paul Taubman, David Newman, Jo Ann Kirby and Chis Makell.
You will get all 6 recorded sessions (lasting 90 minutes each), transcripts, digital recordings, bonuses and a preview call. Watch when and where you want.
The course sessions cover:
• Building Your Consulting Business with Ease
• Websites: What you Need to Know Before You Create One
• How to Create a Strategic Marketing Blueprint
• You Charge WHAT? Setting and Negotiating Your Fees
• Sell with Confidence: Selling Techniques for the Non-salesperson
• Win Over and Retain the Clients You Want
Bonus #2: How to Get More Clients: Marketing Secrets for Legal Nurse Consultants by Pat Iyer ($29.95 value)
New in 2017
This comprehensive book prepares you to take advantage of a range of ways to market your legal nurse consulting business. Pat shares concepts relating to branding, relationship marketing, online marketing and more.
You will discover techniques to help prospects and clients know, like and trust you. You will get in-depth knowledge about using websites and social media to market. Legal nurse consulting is particularly rich in stories.
One section of the book defines the power of stories in attracting clients – whether those stories relate to cases you’ve handled or are the testimonials you collect from clients. Exhibiting provides a great opportunity to meet your prospects face to face. The last section provides solid tips for what you need to know to have a successful exhibiting experience.

I’m ready to invest in myself, strengthen my skills and increase my confidence. I understand I am getting access to a one time offer worth over $3,767.95 in training for a very low investment.
I also realize that I have a 30-day money back guarantee which means I can get access to the entire online training, attend the live classes and ask my questions from the support group. If I believe that I’m not getting the value that I expected, upon request within 30 days of the end of the course I will get my money back.
All funds are in US Dollars
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.
I’m ready to invest in myself, strengthen my skills and increase my confidence. I understand I am getting access to a one time offer worth over $3,767.95 in training for a very low investment.
You want to build your LNC business with the right kind of clients for you
You want to know what you should do and what you should say to get clients
You want to make your life a lot easier

LNC Marketing Success is for you if you are a legal nurse consultant who wants to
• Define the steps to take your business to the next level.
• Create a roadmap for building your LNC business.
• Carry out the processes to creating a coherent and compelling marketing strategy
• Identify your three keys to marketing: segmenting, targeting and positioning
And if you are just getting started . . .
With LNC Marketing Success you will learn how to focus your efforts on high-value activities, win more clients and grow your business. It is the course we all wish we had when we first started our LNC practices.
What people say about Gary Lynn
“A career altering event for me.” --Brandon Rockwell, Project Manager of Technical Operations, Par Pharmaceutical Companies.
“A must-hear speaker." --Diane M. Scheurell, Senior Research Manager, SC Johnson
“A must-hear guru for helping companies improve their ability to develop and launch new products better and faster." Luis Gonzalez, Knowledge Business Director, Medellin Chamber of Commerce, Medellin, Colombia, S. America
Your presentation has a charisma and spark that brings everything to life. -- Meryl Braun, Laboratory Supervisor, New York - Presbyterian Hospital
Dr. Lynn engages his audience and challenges them to think outside the box. --Ron Dokken, Director of Radiology, Palisades Medical Center
What LNCs say about This Course
Excellent course, very valuable information I will use to promote my LNC business- All LNC's will highly benefit from this course. Catherine Jones
This course provides marketing information in an engaging interactive format with business-building homework activities. I'm so glad Pat and Gary teamed up to offer this course! Nina Latting
Excellent value for anyone at any point in their career. Evelyn Robert
I'm very impressed! It was outstanding in all aspects
Grace Gapuz
Reserve my seat - One time payment of $597
Reserve my seat - Two payments of $350
All funds are in US Dollars
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Reserve my seat - One time payment of $597
Reserve my seat - Two payments of $350
What is LNC Marketing Success: How to Connect with Clients actually worth?
I also realize that I have a 30-day money back guarantee which means I can get access to the entire online training, and ask my questions from the support group. If I believe that I’m not getting the value that I expected, upon request within 30 days of the end of the course I will get my money back.
I also understand that as part of LNC Marketing Success, I will receive:
• 4 recorded group coaching sessions to create a personalized marketing plan. Gary Lynn and Pat Iyer will lead the sessions lasting 60-90 minutes
• The recordings of the classes ($797 value)
• Personalized feedback from Gary Lynn or Pat Iyer ($1050 value)
• Lifetime access to the LNC Marketing Success support group for asking questions and learning from fellow students ($797 value)
• Bonus #1: On demand online course: How to Get All the Clients You Need (a $297 value)
• Bonus #2: Pat’s new 2017 book: How to Get More Clients: Marketing Secrets for LNCs (a $29.95 value)
This course is approved for 12 contact hours through an arrangement with Taylor College. The provider is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number CEP-3285. CE credit is accepted in all states that require mandatory continuing education for relicensure. Call 1-800-743-4006 with CE questions. There will be a $15 fee, paid directly to the provider, if you want the CE certificate for 12 hours.
This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.
All funds are in US Dollars
30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I also realize that I have a 30-day money back guarantee which means I can get access to the entire online training, attend the live classes and ask my questions from the support group. If I believe that I’m not getting the value that I expected, upon request within 30 days of the end of the course I will get my money back.
I'm ready to invest in myself, change other people's lives and businesses and make a massive difference in my business by creating polished reports. I understand that I'm getting access to a one time offer worth over $3,767.95 of training for a very low investment.
This offer is available for a limited time and can be taken down any minute.
TESTIMONIALS about our preview training: How to Get More Clients with a Step by Step Marketing Plan
Great value in plain English
Joan Early
Good ideas shared that I had not heard before. Value is high.
Rachel Lank
This course was a great tickler for the 4 week course you are offering in May.
Debbie Wuerl
Good value-"Hot Yes!" Always like the reminders & always learn something new. Sometimes the information just clicks better when worded a different way. We have been advised from the beginning to market with attorneys that practice in the area of our nursing expertise but tonight the way that advice was worded it helped a lot. It clarified that if we decreased the geographical area or the number of attorneys we market to it would enable us to grow with the 'right' attorneys for us. It would not hurt our business.
Cheryl Garrison