Barbara Levin shares her perspective about patient safety from two viewpoints: as the daughter of a woman who was a victim of medical errors, and as a registered nurse who is involved in day-to-day care in taking care of patients in the hospital. Barbara’s mother was a vibrant, active woman who went into the operating room for simple same day surgery.
Barbara’s essential information will benefit you by learning
- her poignant story of the series of errors that ultimately ended in her mother’s death.
- how to recognize the danger signals to watch for when you or someone you love is in the hospital.
- concrete strategies you can take to keep records of medical care, share information about medications, communicate with your physician, and be your own advocate.
- practical and essential advice about how to stay safe in the hospital from her perspective of a staff nurse.
Barbara Levin BSN RN is certified as an orthopaedics nurse, medical surgical nurse and legal nurse consultant. She is a clinical scholar at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. She provides patient care. Along with Patricia Iyer, she is the editor of three text books related to liability issues in nursing: Principles and Practices of Legal Nurse Consulting, Medical Legal Aspects of Medical Records, and Nursing Malpractice, Fourth Edition. Barbara has taught doctors, nurses, and attorneys about what happened to Charlotte, among other topics. She and Pat have jointly presented Charlotte’s story to nurses attending the International Council of Nurses in Yokohama, Japan, as well as at other sites within the U.S. Barbara is an expert witness who reviews nursing malpractice cases.
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Order the DVD: Watch Barbara present her mother’s story to an audience of nurses. Untangling Charlotte’s Web is an emotional story that touches the hearts of all who listen to it.