On the surface Carol Kivler had it all: a beautiful house, successful attorney husband, healthy children, and a fulfilling part time job as a college professor. She began having racing thoughts, weight loss, joint pain and headaches. Was this more than the blues?
Doctor after doctor told her that her test results were normal. Then she saw a psychiatrist, who diagnosed her with clinical depression. Carol became psychotic and required hospitalization.
In this gripping interview, Carol explains how she went from the successful wife to a woman who contemplated killing herself and her children. She explains the therapy that changed her life, and what she does every day to maintain her mental health.
Digital MP3 and Transcript Download $9.97
You will learn:
- How Carol came to grips with her mental illness
- Common symptoms of depression
- How electroconvulsive therapy works and why it should not be feared
- How to deal with the stigma of mental illness
- Lifestyle changes that ward off depression
- Characteristics of bipolar disorder
- Why two thirds of depressed people do not get treatment
- How to access supportive websites and organizations
- How you can help a family member who is depressed
- Why Carol puts a face of hope on depression
- Why depression is more than the blues
Receive the recording of the interview and transcript for only $9.97
Digital MP3 and Transcript Download $9.97
Carol Kivler is the principal of Kivler Communications, a company that does executive coaching and corporate training. Carol is a well-qualified speaker, is a member of the National Speakers’ Association, and also leads a group called Courageous Recovery. She is living her life’s purpose. She believes that because she has the ability to influence and persuade and the ability to write in a way that’s easily understood, that her life purpose is to put a face on mental health disorders and to put a face on a misunderstood treatment option called electroconvulsive therapy.