LNCs facing rejection are most often in a marketing situation. You might be exhibiting at an attorney conference and watching people walk by without stopping at your booth. You might be making cold calls and having trouble getting past the gatekeeper. You might be finding out you will not get the case you discussed last […]
Read MoreYou have an opportunity to give a presentation to attorneys. How can you craft interactive presentations for attorneys? A lot of presentations made by attorneys are presented as lectures. I’ve heard so many attorneys complain that these presentations are boring. Interactive Presentations for Attorneys are More than Questions and Answers Interactive presentations are much more […]
Read MoreAre you on top of strategies to improve focus? Have you ever asked where your time goes? You’d be surprised by how many people lose track of where their time goes. They might think they are focused on a single task, but are they really? One way to find out is to keep track of […]
Read MoreProductivity for LNCs is a real concern. You are always juggling different responsibilities related to your business- finances, marketing, business development and case work. How do you stay focused on what is important? Increase your productivity and accomplish more in less time by using a technique called applied focus. Applied focus can help you avoid […]
Read MoreLNCs ask me all the time: “How can I get business if I don’t have money to spend (because I don’t have business). How can I promote an LNC business?” First, let’s be clear that starting and running a business takes money. It is unrealistic to think you can start and build a business without […]
Read MoreIt is easy to lose perspective when you work alone, as most independent LNCs do. It is easy to not be a motivated legal nurse consultant and to slip into bad habits and mindsets. How do you stand up to the test? Signs of a Motivated Legal Nurse Consultant 1. You have written goals which […]
Read MoreYou want to be have a full-time LNC business but you are working full or part-time in a clinical role. You wonder if you have fallen out of love with your clinical job or in love with being an LNC. Here are 5 signs it is time to leave your clinical job. You dread going […]
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