Can your LNC practice involve educating by sharing an errors story with clinicians? I argue it not only can, it should. Here is a story I use for educating clinicians. The beginning of the errors story Two elderly Italian men with the same name were patients in an inner city hospital. Joe #1 was moved […]
Read MoreNeed some success tips for your LNC Business? Subcontracting 1. Do subcontracting work for other LNCs if it makes sense for you in your phase of business development. It will make sense for you if you can afford to work at a rate that will be considerably lower than the rate you would charge the […]
Read MoreDo you need help tackling procrastination? Procrastination is an umbrella term that really doesn’t tell you anything except what your behavior is. It does not tell you the cause of why you’re procrastinating. The most important thing you can do at the moment that you notice that you’re not doing what you should to be […]
Read MoreWhy does an attorney pick you to work with? How can you be effective in closing the sale with the attorney? You may get a phone call from an attorney about a case or meet an attorney at an attorney conference. Or you may get an email asking if you can assist with a case. […]
Read MoreWhat do you do to get the attorney to pick you to help with a case? Check out these top three tips. You are having a conversation with an attorney about a case. The attorney is at the stage of deciding if she wants to hire you. Get the attorney to pick you because you […]
Read MoreRyan James of the Startup Savant asked me these questions about my process of creating a legal nurse consulting business. Read part 1 here, and check out these additional insights. 1. What do you consider the biggest milestone that you have hit with your business? What was the biggest thing you did to get there? […]
Read MoreWhat results in great client relationships – attorneys returning over and over with cases? How many of these techniques do you use? Create a great work product A high quality, carefully proofread and accurate document results in return business. You have to give a great work product or your attorney clients are going to look […]
Read MoreThese answers describe the making of a legal nurse consultant. 1. What motivated you to start a business as a legal nurse consultant? How did the idea come about? In 1987 when I was investigating ideas about how I could use my nursing expertise to become self-employed, I attended a one day program about career […]
Read MoreDo healthcare organization leaders really mean it when they say they have zero tolerance of disruptive behavior? Legal nurse consultants working on medical malpractice cases may hear nurse defendants describe situations of disruptive physicians. Can you relate to this situation? Let’s say you’re working in an acute care setting at 2:00 in the morning. You’re […]
Read MoreWhat are the benefits to an attorney in working with an LNC? How do you make yourself invaluable to an attorney handling cases with medical issues? Here are 3 benefits you can discuss with potential clients. Make yourself invaluable by teaching Although attorneys who have a lot of experience handling certain types of cases become […]
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