Senior attorneys, partners, or managing partners make the decisions about which vendors to work with. As a legal nurse consultant, your goal should be to sell to senior attorneys. You are a vendor who has to demonstrate you understand the language of senior attorneys. Understanding how they think is the first step to communicating with […]
Read MoreWhat can you learn from successful business owners? Are you guilty of the tempting trap of associating only with other legal nurse consultants? Are you seeking out other business owners through the Chamber of Commerce, networking groups and other small business owners? Some small businesses in your geographic area are thriving. Do you wonder what […]
Read MoreAccording to The Joint Commission, communication problems and patient injury go hand in hand. Legal nurse consultants, risk managers, attorneys and healthcare administrators are all aware of the risks to patient safety from communication errors. In today’s multicultural society, sources of misunderstanding and communication problems can result in multiple opportunities for errors resulting in harm […]
Read MoreYour successful legal nurse consulting business rests on four pillars: finance, marketing, client relationships and expertise. If you lack any of these four pillars, your business will wobble, much like an animal without four legs. This is my model for a successful legal nurse consulting business. I have organized the content on this site to […]
Read MoreI see too many legal nurse consulting websites that all say the same thing. Here is language from an LNC whose site comes up on the 4th page of Google. This is a great placement, because it is the first LNC website I found after all of the ones that market legal nurse consulting preparation […]
Read MoreOver five million patients reading their charts, particularly a primary care doctor’s notes – with identifiable benefits for patient safety. Beginning in 2010, more than 100 primary care physicians invited their patients to read their office notes through a secure website. Patients read their charts say Feeling more in control of their health Better prepared […]
Read MoreDo you have a defeatist mindset? “I spent a lot of money on a legal nurse consulting program and I have not gotten a client. Not one.” I have heard this scenario from several LNCs during my Make More Money calls. It is easy to get discouraged. Before you give up, do an assessment of […]
Read MoreHow do you destroy your legal nurse consulting business? You can destroy your legal nurse consulting business in an instant, something you took years to build. The controversy over killing Cecil the Lion and the disappearance of Walter James Palmer makes me think about the impact of a business owner’s actions on his business. Let […]
Read MoreDo you ever find you need help overcoming writer’s block? What does this look like? You need to create a legal nurse consulting report but you are stuck. How do you begin? Here are 6 tips to getting started overcoming writer’s block. 1. Get the basics right. Look at what is holding you back. Are […]
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