You probably already know the obvious ways technology addiction is affecting you. If your employees, under the guise of doing research for projects, spend far too much time surfing the Internet, their productivity will be diminished. Personal emails and tweets also add to downtime. And I’m not singling out your employees for censure. You, too, […]
Read MoreIs It “There,” “They’re,” or “Their”? The inexperienced writer often misuses words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Homophones are words that sound the same as another word but have a different meaning. Many homophones exist in every language to trip up the unwary. I focus in this blog on a […]
Read MoreWe seem to be increasingly living in a “Yes-men” society, one in which dissension and opposition are discouraged and even punished. Many business leaders are beginning to question the results, and they’re taking thoughtful looks at their own corporate cultures and seeking ways to change them. Are you thinking about this as you build your […]
Read MoreOne of the biggest mistake LNCs make regarding blogging is to view success in terms of statistics. They think: “If 1000 people viewed my blog post, that equals success.” “If I have 50 comments on a post, the world liked it.” Of course, when one of their blogs gets little attention, they are failures. They […]
Read MoreMark Twain said that. His actual words were, “When you catch an adjective, kill it.” He explained he meant most adjectives. He objected to them because they tended to create (adjective alert) flowery and verbose writing. Sometimes Adjective are Unnecessary The doctor’s face was dark, bitter, and belligerent, and he yelled at the patient in […]
Read MoreI’m sitting on my hotel bed reading my friend’s medical records. It is the night before her appointment with a second opinion cataract surgeon at Wills Eye, a Philadelphia hospital that specializes only in eye disorders. As she paces nervously around the room, she says, “I know he screwed up my surgery. Do I have […]
Read MoreYou have a service you want to sell. In order to do this, you must define what your potential client or customer needs so that you can drive the solution to sale. You will often do this in the form of sales copy, which can be a letter to your prospect, a message on your […]
Read More“I”, “”You” and “We” have a role in establishing rapport with attorney prospects and clients. How you use them can make the difference between getting a case from an attorney or losing the opportunity. Probably the biggest mistake LNCs make in conversations is to overuse “I.” In ordinary conversations, this pronoun often sets off the […]
Read MoreYour desk is awash in folders and documents. Too many phone calls await your return calls. Your spouse needs help in solving family problems. As you allow yourself to see your procrastination behavior, the vision of a desert island with no wi-fi haunts you. The real-time alternative might be to crawl under your desk and hide. […]
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